Progressive glasses

Progressive glasses

Progressive glasses
are an all-around talent:
finally enjoy good vision again – no matter the distance.


ZEISS progressive lenses.

individual and one-of-a kind – just like you.

Our wide selection of progressive lens designs enables your optician to produce a pair of progressive glasses optimised for your particular vision needs and featuring unprecedented quality. Cutting-edge computer technology assists in measuring visual performance and fitting the lenses to your frames. The near, intermediate and distance zones are all incorporated into one lens with smooth transitions. These lenses are tailor-made for your facial shape, your lifestyle, your career and your visual habits. Individual and one-of-a kind – just like you.


Outstanding wearer tolerance, adaptation in next to no time. For optimum vision.

A vast array of factors, technologies and wearer data are incorporated in the production of ZEISS progressive lenses, ensuring a faster adaptation period than ever before. No matter if you already have experience wearing progressive glasses or are wearing them for the first time: a pair of progressive glasses tailor-made for you is your best choice for high-quality, natural vision.

